Autzoo.1084 net.v7bugs utzoo!henry Fri Oct 30 17:06:46 1981 shell bugfix bugfix Bill Reeves's fix to shell mail checking, which I broadcast a couple of days ago, inadvertently added a new bug. Bill's mod fixed the shell so it did mail checking properly in the presence of a mail system that removes empty mailboxes; the "fixed" shell misbehaves if your mail system does NOT remove empty mailboxes. The code which works right either way is like this (about line 136 in main.c): THEN IF mailnod.namval ANDF mailnod.namval[0] != '\0' ANDF stat(mailnod.namval,&statb)>=0 ANDF (statb.st_mtime != mailtime) THEN IF mailtime ANDF statb.st_size THEN prs(mailmsg) FI mailtime=statb.st_mtime; FI This also incorporates another minor fix done here: no mail checking if the value of $MAIL is null.