Aharpo.577 net.v7bugs utzoo!decvax!duke!chico!harpo!jerry Mon Oct 5 21:27:24 1981 why export shell variables I am putting this in net.v7bugs because the item I am replying to appeared there. However, the requirement that variables be explicity exported before seting them changes the environment is not a bug. It was, I have been told, a deliberate decision and there are reasons for it. The bourne shell is dealing with environment values, and its own local variables. Unlike csh, it uses the same syntax to set these different kinds of values. Therefore, it requires a declaration of some sort to distinguish them. It uses "export". I suppose requiring local variables to be declared would also be reasonable. Local variables are important in writing shell procedures and it would be a real loss to eliminate the distinction between them and environment variables. Problems arise because people frequently set up an interactive shell (e.g. via an escape from the editor) and don't realize that they must export a variable before they can change its value in the environment. For this reason, I would prefer to make the distinction in the assignment syntax (ala csh). But, I consider the current situation preferable to one in which a shell procedure might inadvertantly interfer with the transfer of a value from outside (i.e. the environment) to a command that it invokes. Jerry Schwarz harpo!jerry