This directory contains a copy of the binaries to Ultrix 3.1. These were sent in by Wilko Bulte. ultrix-3.1-bootape.tar.gz ------------------------- Wilko says: I finally found the files from the Ultrix-11 V3.1 tape. Would you be interested to have them on the PUPS archive? 3.1 works fine on my 11/73, who is currently creating a TK50 with 2.11BSD on it. The contents of this tape are: File 1: 2 copies of magtape bootstrap (2 blocks total) The standalone bootstrap (boot) File 2: System calls for standalone programs (DO NOT LOAD) File 3: System disk load program (sdload) File 4: A file to console copy program (scat) File 5: This file (contents) File 6: The program mkfs (make a ULTRIX-11 file system) File 7: The program restor (restore a dump onto a file system) File 8: The program dskinit (disk format and verify) File 9: The program bads (scan disk for bad blocks) File 10: The program rabads (RA/RD/RX disk initialize) File 11: The program copy (copy device to device) File 12: The program icheck (file system consistency check) File 13: Stand-alone programs for memory disk (file system image) File 14: rcmds: optional software loaded into ROOT (TAR image) File 15: | V File 31: ucmds: optional software loaded into /USR (TAR images) File 32: sysgen: optional software for re-loading sysgen (TAR image) File 33: The ULTRIX-11 root file system in dump/restor format File 34: The ULTRIX-11 /usr file system in dump/restor format