{ Copyright (C) 1981 by Bell Laboratories, Inc., and Whitesmiths Ltd. } { create (UCSD) -- create a file } (*$I-*) function create (var name : xstring; mode : integer) : filedesc; var fd : filedesc; snm : string; begin fd := fdalloc; if (fd <> IOERROR) then begin strname(snm, name); case (cmdfil[fd]) of FIL1: rewrite(file1, snm); FIL2: rewrite(file2, snm); FIL3: rewrite(file3, snm); FIL4: rewrite(file4, snm) end; if (ioresult <> 0) then begin xclose(fd); fd := IOERROR end end; create := fd end; (*$I+*)