{ Copyright (C) 1981 by Bell Laboratories, Inc., and Whitesmiths Ltd. } .NM detab convert tabs to blanks .SY .UL "detab" .FU .UL detab copies its input to its output, expanding horizontal tabs to blanks along the way, so that the output is visually the same as the input, but contains no tab characters. Tab stops are assumed to be set every four columns (i.e., 1, 5, 9, ...), so that each tab character is replaced by from one to four blanks. .EG Using .UL \(-> as a visible tab: .Q1 detab \(->col 1\(->2\(->34\(->rest .S " col 1 2 34 rest" .BU .UL detab is naive about backspaces, vertical motions, and non-printing characters.