{ Copyright (C) 1981 by Bell Laboratories, Inc., and Whitesmiths Ltd. } { putword -- put word in outbuf } procedure putword (var wordbuf : string); var last, llval, nextra, w : integer; begin w := width(wordbuf); last := length(wordbuf) + outp + 1; { new end of outbuf } llval := rmval - tival - inval; if (outp > 0) and ((outw+w > llval) or (last >= MAXSTR)) then begin last := last - outp; { remember end of wordbuf } break { flush previous line } end; scopy(wordbuf, 1, outbuf, outp+1); outp := last; outbuf[outp] := BLANK; { blank between words } outw := outw + w + 1; { 1 for blank } outwds := outwds + 1 end;